<水岸空間>台南市水岸地區土地利用與親水空間之研究 2024


水岸空間 06.興達港水岸空間景觀設計,一、水岸空間的規劃在都市發展與城市風格形塑扮演著重要的角色,台北水岸的可能性-今周刊,台南市水岸地區土地利用與親水空間之研究,延伸藍帶水岸空間柳川接續啟動三民西路至忠明南路段,水岸活動、需求與空間之探討-以南部都市河岸為例,水岸特色-新北水漾,水岸空間Archives|眼底城事,河岸「自然」的都市化與資產化:水岸仍是多重價值的爭戰之地,浯江溪中游-水岸商貿圈景觀設計,都市水岸空間規劃-以基隆田寮河水岸空間為例


Water─The precious gift the nature had given us, the running rivers on the lands and the weaves upon the seashore whispers there love to the cities. In many cities, the places where most things happen are not the ordinary street blocks, but the "City Oasis" created by the vivid urban waterfront and nature greens. The Blue belt and the Green belt bring life to the modern jungle, melt the coldness of concrete, and provide a mutual communication between our soul and the nature.Water, without a doubt, is highly related to the development of city civilization. Such as the oldest cities were mostly formed by the riverside where they have the conveniences of drinking, fishing, and irrigation. As well as 4 of the oldest civilizations had developed their unique culture upon the big rivers. And finally, the international trading brought the human civilization into a new age of sea. All these had shown that water plays an important role in city development and decides how it was located. However, after highly urbanization, the city development began to rely less and less on water, and the ports also have less and less city functions. The results of becoming industrialized by over using the natural resource are, the rivers and the ocean are seriously polluted, urbanization makes the population increase so fast that people have to use the waterfront as more as possible, therefore, the city environment was badly damaged by over developing.Once when the Portuguese discovered Taiwan in the 16th century, had complemented Taiwan as "Formosa"─The beautiful island. Lian-Ya-Tang had also described Taiwan as "The Island of Beauty", these histories tell us how beautiful Taiwan used to be. Tainan is also riched of water resources, such as the 18km seashore, and long lasting rivers, and the well built Tainan Canal and An-Ping Harbor. However, during the changing of the city, some damages to the natural environment and waterfront were caused by making mistaken policies or greed for shortsighted benefit. If we don’t learn to protect our natural environment, the waterfront, eventually, will become nothing great but a dirty and stinky escape canal. As a result, how to prevent the urban waterfront from being over used and to construct a better development plain are today’s urgent issues.Regarding to the above issues, this study will discuss about the following 4 subjects:1. The research and discussion about the related theories of urban water front developmentProject:a. The meaning of urban waterfront.b. The discussion of urban water front development and the planning of water accessible space.2. The analyses of the history of water environment and the current condition in Tainan.a. The changing and trading history of the urban waterfront.b. The geography detective of the urban waterfront.3. The simulation of urban design of the urban waterfront.4. The simulation of the citywide urban waterfront development concept and the practice of real cases.a. The evaluation of urban water front area and the development suggestions.b. Practice of the real cases and prove the feasibility.Above all, we try to study the important role urban waterfront plays in water resources, today’s city and it’s future development, and use urban design skill to rule the development of urban water front. Considering as well as economics, water resources, landscape, leisure, and ecology…..etc., so that we can construct the most active and natural urban space. While studying the environment of urban waterfront, we also expect to provide a well example for the future development, and more, to create a characteristic urban waterfront for Tainan City.









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